
This is a 3DS Database of titles that I own for now. If you want to help with this project, let me know.

Project maintained by GrewdonGaming21 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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  • Q) How big is 1 3ds block?
    A) 1 3ds block = 128 kilobytes
  • Q) What is the use of QR(s)
    A) The QR thumbnails on this page can be clicked then scanned with a 3DS to lead you directly to the title's eShop page.
  • Q) What is the use of TitleID(s)?
    A) You need the titleid for cases such as when you want to extract a title using GM9.
  • A static webpage for devices with no javascript is always available here
Name QR TitleID Version Size Product Code Region


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